Friday, July 2, 2010

Feud over Fernandes: wife takes care his property and money but not his health- Court steps in


Feud over Fernandes: wife takes care his property and money but not his health- Court steps in

New Delhi: The man India knew as the Giant Killer is now reduced to a battle between his wife and long time friend.
A day after Jaya Jaitly was stopped from entering the former Defence Minister's home, today a twist to the battle. The Delhi High court has ordered that George Fernandes appear in court on Monday. (Read: Jaya Jaitly kept out of Fernandes' home)
The court was hearing a petition filed by Fernandes' brothers, Richard and Michael, who want custody of their brother alleging that the former Union minister, who is suffering from Alzheimer's disease, is not being properly treated by his wife.
The court now wants to see for itself what George's condition is like.

The 80-year-old former Defence Minister is rarely seen outside. He lives with his wife, Leila Kabir, at a private house in South Delhi.
Fernandes brothers, supported by Jaya, have been locked with Kabir over George's property, which is believed to be more than 20 crores. (Watch: Fight over Fernandes' legacy)
"I am fighting for Fernandes' value system. I am fighting for the right to my own simple ordinary property, and I am fighting for justice for the sake of a man who has fought for it for everybody else all his life. I think they are undermining and humiliating Fernandes and that is what the shame is, and obviously the people who are doing this don't know what he stands for so, they don't deserve to be looking after him today," said former president of the Samata Party, Jaya Jaitly. (Read: I am fighting for George's values, says Jaya Jaitly)
"It's a not a question of money. I am a professional nurse and I want to ensure he is getting the best treatment," said Leila Kabir.
George's brothers also allege that Leila and her sons are not allowing them to meet him.
On Monday, the court will decide who gets custody of George, the man who once took crucial decisions for India, now has to depend on the court to decide for him.

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