Press Release – SIFF announces 3rd Annual Men’s Right Conference on 15th August 2010
Friday, 06 August 2010 11:33
Sub: SIFF announces 3rd Annual Men’s Right Conference on 15th August 2010
About SIFF:
Save Indian Family Foundation (SIFF), Bangalore, a men’s rights organization fighting against misuse of dowry laws, domestic violence act and other anti-male and unconstitutional laws, comprises of around 30,000 people all over the country and abroad. SIFF came into existence in 2005 and since then it has been aggressively fighting misandry (male hatred) by creating awareness about men’s issues in the society.
About Annual Men’s Rights Conference:
SIFF, under the aegis of the Save Indian Family movement has been participating in men’s rights conference since 2008. This year, SIFF is organizing the 3rd Men’s Rights Conference at Yercaud in Tamil Nadu, a small hill station 32 Kms, from Salem on the 15th of August, 2010. Over 100 men’s rights activists from all over India, representing about 15 different NGOs working for men’s rights, will be participating in the conference to intensify the movement of men’s rights in India.
Theme of the Conference:
SIFF and its allied NGOs, under the aegis of the Save Indian Family movement, are calling for a “Sugarless Independence Day”, this year. Men’s rights activists attending the conference have decided to have sugarless tea/coffee on observance of the 15th of August, 2010 and also not to have any other sweets. This is an exhibition of epitome of the bitterness caused in the lives of men who are living in a society where there are only expectations from them and no acceptance for them.
Why men’s rights conference:
This men’s rights conference is being conducted to discuss and intensify the awareness campaign of the various problems and trampling of rights as faced by men in India as sons, brothers, husbands and fathers. Some of such problems are,
Skyrocketing suicide rates by men, especially married men. As per National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB),
- Approx. Fifty Eight Thousand (58,000) married men are committing suicides every year vis-à-vis approx. Thirty Thousand (30,000) married women.
- From 1996 – 2008, One Lac Seventy Thousand (170,000) married men have committed suicide directly due to Domestic Violence.
- Men pay more income tax compared to women at the same educational levels and same salary.
- Not a single rupee has been allocated for men’s welfare in the Union Budget in the last 63 years of independence.
- Not a single study has been conducted by the Govt. of India to study men’s issues.
- Men do not even have a welfare ministry of their own, whereas even animals have.
- In the last 5 years close to Fifteen Lac (1500, 000) men have lost their jobs.
- Marital laws like Section 498A of the IPC, the Domestic Violence Act, the maintenance laws, the child custody provisions are heavily misused against men with false allegations of abuse and the same being used as tools of legal extortion against men. As per NCRB, from 2004-2008, Five Lac Fifty Thousand (550,000) men have been arrested without trial or investigation under Section 498A, merely on the basis of a complaint from their wives.
- Mothers and sisters of men face hostile situations as their human rights are routinely violated due to the male hatred unleashed by feminist organizations via media. As per NCRB from 2004-2008, One Lac Sixty Thousand (160, 000) innocent mothers and sisters of men have been arrested without trial or investigation under Section 498A, merely on the basis of a complaint from the wives of their brothers/sons.
- Men, having children, and entangled in marital disputes with their wives are not only alienated from meeting their children – as a social norm – but also face the fallacy of their own children being poisoned against them. Such unfortunate fathers are treated worst than a visitor in their child’s life and are used as FREE ATM MACHINES and SPERM DONORS.
- At the behest of men, a fatherless society is being created which will lead to increase in crime, jeopardize national security and create a bleak future for the children of tomorrow.
These problems are just the tip of the iceberg. Other than these men are facing many other problems in India like having to do the most menial/dirty jobs, taking a lot of risk on their lives in order to protect their family members, having no recognition for their efforts, face rampant castration right from the age of 6, so that they can become ruthless protectors and providers.
Why 15th August as the date of Conference:
- We organize the men’s rights conference on the 15th of August every year because the unfinished agenda is also to recognize and promote the men’s right on the observance of August 15th as Independence Day, as it will be in accordance to the wishes of all the national heroes who sacrificed their lives for this country. Though our country got independence on the 15th of August, 1947 from the British rule, men are yet to be get freedom from their mundane roles of a forced Protector (read Unpaid Bodyguard) and forced Provider (read FREE ATM MACHINE).
- Hence, men’s rights activist feel that the road to freedom for men is still under construction and hence men’s rights activists have decided not to observe “Independence Day” till their problems are resolved by the Govt. of India.
- Moreover, this year the Honorable Supreme Court also drove the nail in the coffin with their controversial remarks on the 11th June, 2010. The Honorable Supreme Court, comprising a bench by Justice Deepak Verma and Justice K S Radhakrishnan, Clearly made a remark that men should forget freedom as husbands.
- Observed Justice Deepak Verma, “Whenever a man is married, there is no question of independence” revisiting Justice Markanday Katju’s remarks last year that, “Men should bow down before their wives in marriages”.
These statements clearly elucidate the social expectations from men in marriages. Hence, when men have no right to freedom in marriages, men’s rights activists in India see the observation of Independence Day as an unfinished business and hence this year they would embark on observing a “Sugarless Independence Day” by having sugarless tea/coffee and not having sweets on the 15th August, 2010.
Last 15th August began a second freedom struggle; this year the struggle continues – the struggle for freedom and rights for men who are being denied many basic rights and equal protection in laws.
Click here to see the Press Invite