This is a very legitimate demand to protect men. In the name of women empowerment, Govt of India is harassing men. The NCRB suicide rate of men and women is an eye-opener evidence that men are being harassed from all sides : from Govt to police to judiciary. Especially the suicide rate of married men. Suicide rate of men and women before marriage is almost same. But after marriage the suicide rate of men is double that of women. Where any suicide and accidental death of women after marriage is termed as dowry death men suicide is not recognized at all and hence there is no forum for men to knock at for help.
CHENNAI: On the occasion of International Men's Day on Friday, the All India Men's Welfare Association (AIMWA) reiterated its demand to the Union Government that a National Commission for Men (on the lines of National Commission for Women) be set up to study issues of men.Suresh Ram, member of AIMWA, said, "For the third year since the association has been formed, we are reiterating the important and righteous demand before the government, but nothing seems to be moving in that way." Strongly demanding amendments into 84odd Acts and laws that has been seen by the association as antimen, Suresh said, "Most of them were used only to harass and blackmail men (by women), and 98 per cent of such cases were never led to conviction and finally they turned out to be fake complaints." The need for seeking national commission for men was to ensure rights and other privileges given to men in the society, he added.