Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Save Indian Family (SIF) Celebrating 10 years of Rebuilding the Broken Families - Undoing the Societal Misandry | The Light at the End of Tunnel

Save Indian Family (SIF) Celebrating 10 years of Rebuilding the Broken Families - Undoing the Societal Misandry 

The Light at the End of Tunnel

(PS - More photo coverage at the end of blogpost)

SIF Foundation Day Souvenir Magazine Volume 1 available at

Save Indian family (SIF) A name which few people would have heard or cared about 9 years back, but today this is a force to reckon with. The membership of SIF has reached lakhs across the world. Most of the prominent members of SIF come from well-educated and respected families. 

(SIF) also has a large number of women supporters who have joined the movement realizing the pain and trauma men and their families go through in Indian society. Many of these women supporters have been victims themselves as sisters, mothers and mother-in-laws. These ladies themselves were falsely implicated due to gender biased laws that are wife-centric. Members of (SIF) aim to protect men and women from extortionist wives, corrupt Police officials and biased judiciary.

This is a true story of a man, Bharat. In 2005, Bharat was a hard-working young man, who jumped through many hoops to make a successful career as a scientist. He was raised to believe that a good man puts women and children first, protects and provides for his family, respects women, and endures pain and sacrifice without heaving a sigh.

Unfortunately, he was unaware of a fact that good men are often at the receiving end of abuse; until he himself became a victim of spousal violence and witnessed societal apathy towards men like him. To add to his woes, he also became victim of gender biased law IPC Section 498A, a law which gave undue credibility to his wife, and treated him as guilty until he could prove himself innocent. He was arrested and imprisoned for a crime he did not commit. He had to witness his parents and siblings being jailed for no fault of theirs. He lost his job and suffered unbearable pain due to separation from his child. Having lost all hope, he ended his life at a tender age of 28. In local dailies, news of his death was flashed as "A scientist ends his life due to financial problems.”

Bharat’s story is just one of more than 68000 thousand men in India, whose thankless lives taken away every year just when they are ready to blossom. Statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau show that every 9 minutes one married Indian man committed suicide unable to withstand verbal, emotional, economic and physical abuse and legal harassment.

An unanswered question from (SIF) to all social activists and law makers: Is the Pain of A Mother or Sister any less when they lose their Son or Brother?

In the last 150 days (SIF) and its associated 35+ NGOs all over India, have been mentioned in the media in 60 different articles. If every article has been read by at least 100,000 people, then about 8 million people across the world would have known or heard about (SIF) and that is something to be proud of.

We believe in the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi and we get our inspiration from this great man. We believe in his words "First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win "!!

(SIF) is aware of the odds stacked against it. (SIF) knows very well that media and other industries would love to see more family break ups, because family breakups increase spending and this further drives up the demands for the goods and products. "A united family will own one TV while a dived family will need two is the simple reasoning.”

However (SIF) knows it will win, because (SIF) is on the same side as truth is and we believe that "Truth Always Wins"(Satyamev Jayate).

(SIF) may not have the blessing of the Government of India, but we do have the blessings of thousands of mothers, grandmothers and sisters who work and fight with us day in and day out trying to educate the slumbering Indian populace.

(SIF) has the support of hundreds of small but nevertheless important NGOs who work with us to spread the word on how gender biased laws are destroying Indian society. We all try to wake up the people of India to bring about gender equality in the society.

We know we will win and we will succeed in creating a Ministry for the Welfare of Indian Men .

We know that the night is darkest before the sun shines and the (SIF) has no doubt that the sun will shine and spread the rays of hope, peace and family harmony that will keep the Indian family as a cohesive unit for the next ten thousand years.

On this occasion, (SIF) would also like to review the present status of men in Indian society and highlight the need to accord men the privileges and protections that they rightly deserve as fellow humans.

Thousands of men are becoming victims of "legal terrorism" unleashed by the misuse of Indian Penal Code Section 498A, Protection of Women Against Domestic Violence Act, adultery laws, laws against rape and sexual harassment, and even divorce, maintenance and child custody laws. 

The Universal Declaration of Human rights states that "all are equal before the law, and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law". Article 14 of the Indian Constitution declares that "The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India." However, the Government of India has not made any provisions to protect men against any form of domestic abuse or harassment at the work place. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights also proclaims that "everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law."  However, women-centric laws in India presume that the accused man is guilty until he can prove his innocence, thus violating the presumption of innocence and the principles of fair trial which is guaranteed under Articles 20 and 21 of the Constitution of India, in addition to defying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

(SIF) has been working hard to sensitize the public to these serious issues, and to urge the Government to take appropriate measures to alleviate men's woes in the present times. 

We request all honest citizens of India, to Join SIF Team,

  • To Stop such legal terrorism against Indian men and demand to replace the word "Husband/wife" 
  • To "Spouse" and "Men/Women" to "Person" in all Laws and Policies. 

This is followed all across the world and assumptions that Women never lie do not hold ground. As per Indian Laws her verbal allegations, without any evidence, are sufficient to label anyone as a rapist, wife beater or dowry seeker. This is nothing but promotion of injustice and such injustice has and will continue to become an extortion tool.

On the eve of (SIF) Foundation day , we make an appeal to Indian Government to Form

Ministry of Men's Welfare.
   - As per Crime Bureau of India, more than 92,000 men commit suicide every year
   - Why 3.5 lac men are losing their jobs per year?
  - According to Labour and Employment Ministry (2001 to 2005), more  than 13 lakh Men became Jobless and the count is increasing every year.

Today some one may love or hate (SIF) , but can't ignore any more as the same became a Ray of Hope for many abused/distressed men of India.

Photoshare of Foundation day celebrations - 09 March 2014